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RSS Channel: Comments on: Splurge Tuesday’s Workwear Report: Idriz Mock-Neck Stretch-Silk Blouse
A work fashion blog offering fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for overachieving chicks

By: Liza
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/idriz-mock-neck-stretch-silk-blouse/#comment-4405011">anon</a>. Please remember that human beings are not built to stay up long past dark. Our ancestors rose and went to sleep with the sun, because it wasn't really possible to do much else. So winding down by around 7 p.m. seems completely reasonable to me.

By: A
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/idriz-mock-neck-stretch-silk-blouse/#comment-4405027">Anon</a>. 24

By: Anon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/idriz-mock-neck-stretch-silk-blouse/#comment-4405560">Anon</a>. +1 I thought this was a tr0ll when I first read the post, and this follow-up reaffirms my feeling. Classic tr0lling to share X fact pattern, get a big response based on that fact pattern, and then come back with "well no actually there was all this info that you were missing and it worked out really well SO THERE."

By: Anon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/idriz-mock-neck-stretch-silk-blouse/#comment-4405381">Anon</a>. Obviously lots of men on apps aren't looking for a relationship, but those men are looking for gardening or at least related activities. I've never met a guy who wanted a "flirty drink" and nothing more.

By: Anon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/idriz-mock-neck-stretch-silk-blouse/#comment-4405498">Anonymous</a>. Read your original post. Then re-read this post. Quite different info, ye You really can't see why we responded as we did?

By: PJ
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/idriz-mock-neck-stretch-silk-blouse/#comment-4405484">Anon</a>. Fidelity is fine. There is a reason not to roll into an IRA: if you ever want/need to do a “ backdoor Roth IRA”, it’s much more complicated with an IRA in your name.