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A work fashion blog offering fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for overachieving chicks

Comment on Weekend Open Thread by Anon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/weekend-open-thread-610/#comment-4435206">Anon</a>. It's one of the basics for a reason - have you guys done your Love Languages? Super important, I think.

Comment on How to Plan for Weekly Adventures by Natalie
I love to buy tickets to things like concerts or plays many months in advance. I’ve paid them off already , and it’s like a big treat!

Comment on Weekend Open Thread by Anonymous
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/weekend-open-thread-610/#comment-4435208">Anon</a>. Agreed - a great mother's day isn't going to solve this. When I'm feeling unappreciated, it is often because I am neglecting my own needs. I can't tell if you are saying you have no child care at all, but if that is the case, it really is not sustainable, nor is it fair to your child or your employer (in addition to being miserable for you). What you need is to stop being a super hero and start being human. Let some balls drop. Get a sitter or nanny or daycare. Start doing more things for yourself and less for other people. Do something that is just for yourself every single day.

Comment on Weekend Open Thread by Anon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/weekend-open-thread-610/#comment-4435155">Anonymous</a>. Great for you! So appreciative you took the time to share such a helpful, kind comment! Hope your toe fungus heals up soon.

Comment on Weekend Open Thread by Anon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/weekend-open-thread-610/#comment-4435206">Anon</a>. I think "being the primary care taker of our 1 year old, while keeping this household running and attending to everyone’s needs" is the key phrase here. My husband is bad at gift-giving and I have to tell him explicitly what I want for holidays like Mother's Day, but it's never bothered me because he does more than his share of parenting and household management. I think you need to talk to your husband about sharing more in parenting and household duties. If he's not persuaded by you, I'd make him go to couples' counseling. Your child is still very young and this problem will get worse, not better, as time goes on. And definitely don't think about having a second child until you feel better about the balance with your existing family.

Comment on Weekend Open Thread by Anon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/weekend-open-thread-610/#comment-4435196">Packing cubes</a>. It's been a long time since I was young but I was really happy with ebags when I traveled alone for the first time!