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RSS Channel: Comments on: Coffee Break: Shoulder Bag
A work fashion blog offering fashion, lifestyle, and career advice for overachieving chicks

By: Interest
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/coffee-break-shoulder-bag/#comment-4428920">Runcible Spoon</a>. Thanks. This felt great. I used a buckwheat pillow, heated in the microwave.

By: Senior Attorney
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/coffee-break-shoulder-bag/#comment-4428809">Anon</a>. I agree that The Rules are ridiculously outdated. I did read one good rule in some dating book when I was last dating 8ish years ago, though: Always have more men in the pipeline. Keep your options open and don't stop accepting new dates just because you've had one good date with somebody. If Mr. One Good Date turns out to be a dud, it eases the pain a lot to have more options to turn to.

By: Runcible Spoon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/coffee-break-shoulder-bag/#comment-4428837">Interest</a>. lie on your side, knees bent up at a 90 degree angle, arms together straight palms facing and resting on the floor in front of your upper body, pillow under your head. Slowly bring your top arm, keeping it straight, up and to the side (across your upper body), looking at your hand and following it (thereby moving/stretching your neck) as it moves from one side of your body to the other. Get your straight arm/back of the hand as close to the floor as possible, without lifting your bent knees to follow suit, focusing on a stretch of the shoulders and on putting your shoulder blade towards the floor. hold for 10-20 seconds, then slowly bring the straight arm (and the upper torso following) back to the original position, lying quietly with arms straight out in front of you, resting for 10-20 seconds. 10 or more reps, then switch sides. Hopefully this explanation helps!

By: amberwitch
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/coffee-break-shoulder-bag/#comment-4428740">Anonymous</a>. Same. Lost my mother at 15, which is more than 30 years ago, so I have been without a mother for twice as long as I had her. It happened, it was hard, but I have no need to make a production out of it at this point. Her sister leaves flowers at the cemetery on her birthday, I go whenever I am in that part of the country.

By: Runcible Spoon
In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/coffee-break-shoulder-bag/#comment-4428752">nuqotw</a>. OK, can I just say that the model is not really selling these dresses in black and neutral? They strike me more as cocktail dresses, in any event.

In reply to <a href="https://corporette.com/coffee-break-shoulder-bag/#comment-4428694">DC Pandas</a>. For me what helps is Pomodoros, focus music (although sometimes it makes me anxious if I'm already stressed), ASMR (there's a Youtube channel called ASMR Weekly that does Harry Potter-themed Pomodoro sessions that have done wonders for my productivity). I also leave my phone in another room if I don't need it (our stupid consultants have multi-factor authentication on their file-sharing site and it logs out at random intervals). I second the suggestion for knitting during TV watching. (Also, have you been tested for ADHD? You might have the inattentive type.)