Social Media - CareeristaStyle
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Are You Leaving Social Media This Year? (Have You Already Left?)
close up of the white iPhone screen with social media apps visible

Are you leaving social media this year? If so, which platforms are you saying goodbye to? If not, what's keeping you from leaving?

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Who Do You Follow on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Medium?

Our recent post asking for recommendations for the best podcasts for professionals brought tons of reader comments, so now we’re wondering: Who do you follow on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Medium (and other platforms), for professional reasons and otherwise? Whose thoughts, advice, and analysis do you appreciate most? Is there anyone whose writing you’ve added to your daily ... Read More about Who Do You Follow on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Medium?

The post Who Do You Follow on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Medium? appeared first on CareeristaStyle.
How to Take a Partial Social Media Break

Something I’ve noticed a LOT of friends doing lately is backing away from social media. I’ve been doing a partial social media break, since as a blogger I can’t really take a total break — but I’ve definitely modified my consumption. So let’s talk about it: What are you doing with the extra time if ... Read More about How to Take a Partial Social Media Break

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How Do You Keep Up with Current Events?

What’s your favorite way to keep up with current events? Has it changed recently (such as when Facebook changed their “trending stories” to “trending topics”)? Have you adopted a new curated source that seems like a helpful one for you, like theSkimm or The Broadsheet, or have you rediscovered an older source (like the NYT or WSJ)? Readers had a ... Read More about How Do You Keep Up with Current Events?

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The Best LinkedIn Settings for Job Hunting

Have you changed your settings on LinkedIn before starting a job hunt? Have you ever made any mistakes that revealed more than you wanted to about your LinkedIn activity? How much do you actually use LinkedIn for networking and job searching?

The post The Best LinkedIn Settings for Job Hunting appeared first on CareeristaStyle.
Should You Keep Your Blog a Secret at Work?
Should You Keep Your Blog a Secret at Work? | CareeristaStyle

If you have a personal blog that’s not work-related, should you keep your blog a secret at work? When does your company need to know? Reader K wonders… As a fellow lawyer, I followed your blog closely back in my NYC law firm days. I now have a more flexible legal position. (I often work remotely ... Read More about Should You Keep Your Blog a Secret at Work?

The post Should You Keep Your Blog a Secret at Work? appeared first on CareeristaStyle.